Common Questions


Volunteers are the core workforce at the Community Cafe. We follow the Pay What You Can model, so volunteering is one form guests might choose to pay for their meal. We have daily volunteer shifts on the days the cafe is open, and prep shifts during the week. Odds are, we have a perfect fit for you and your skills and interests! All food service volunteers must be ServSafe Certified – let us know if we can help you cover the $10 class and certification.

Dining Room Policy

Our Dining Room is a Community Space that welcomes all people regardless of their ability to pay for a meal with money. We expect all diners to adopt our mission to treat all people with respect and dignity while at the cafe (and hope they continue this practice outside of our walls as well!) Diners who are visibly intoxicated will be invited to return to the cafe the following day. Diners who stigmatize or disrespect the inherent dignity of others will be invited to review this Dining Room Policy and the Community Cafe’s Mission.

Pay What You Can Model

The Pay What You Can Model recognizes that food is a human right. It invites communities to reconsider how they relate to the food system, and to each other. Instead of set Menu Prices, we track the variable cost of food production and post the market price of each menu item. This lets diners know the real price of the food they eat.

After the meal, we invite you to Pay What You Can. If you are able to pay it forward and help cover the Market Price for a community member, we thank you for that. If you do not want to cover the Market Price with cash or card payment, we invite you to donate 20 minutes of Volunteer time to the Community Cafe. Simply check the Daily Shift Board after your meal and let your server or hostess know what Volunteer Task you’d like to complete for us!

Cafe Hours

The Community Cafe will open on Sundays beginning October 6 from 11-3. We anticipate expanding to Monday and Tuesday lunch service by the end of 2024.

Food Safety

All Food Service volunteers are ServSafe trained and certified. We offer some vegan, Gluten-Free, and Vegetarian options. While efforts are made to reduce cross-contamination, the Community Cafe is NOT a Gluten-Free or Allergy-Friendly kitchen and no person with serious safety concerns should be eating meals from the kitchen.

Open Positions

We will begin recruiting a Part Time Executive Director and Full Time Cafe Manager in early 2024.

Would you like to feature the Community Cafe?

Contact us directly for interviews, articles, features, and podcasts: infocommunitycafe at gmail dot com